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SD Swiss


Clinical Articles & Doctor Testimonials

“Just received the IRS System Monday. Used Tuesday and took 2 minutes to remove first separated file. Worked flawlessly. Thanks!”

— Dr. Peter Chudoba, Pim St Dental, Sault Ste Marie, Canada

“Extremely helpful in locating the elusive MB2 canal. The durable and efficient TUFI’s are the best tips to hit the market in my 20 years as an endodontist.”

— Michael L. Squitieri, D.D.S., M.S.

“The TUFI Tip-1 is the most durable ultrasonic tip I have used especially for removal of core material in retreatments, I’ve been and Endodontist since 1978 and have used a lot of instruments and tips.”

— Jerome J. Siegel, DDS, Cincinnati, Ohio

TUFI Access Refinement Tips Clinical Article: Dr. Glenn A. van As, DMD

— Dr. Glenn A. van As, DMD

Rips, Strips and Broken Tips: Part III: Treating the Untreatable – A Case Report

— Dr. Steven J Cohen, DDS, Cert. Endo.

Two Endodontic Case Studies—Complex Retreatment

“I have tried a lot of dental devices and instruments—especially endo ultrasonic tips—but I was never satisfied until I discovered the highly-effective and long-lasting tools manufactured by San Diego Swiss.”

— Dott. Alberto Rieppi, Udine, Italy

Retrieving Separated Thermafil with the IRS® Instrument Removal System: An Endodontic Case Study

— Dr. Steven J Cohen, DDS, Cert. Endo.

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